I Parent Twins is a blog about twins! It's also about a man raising and knowing nothing about parenting twin girls. Come help this twin parent get thru the challenges, the joys, the experience of what it's like having twins. Finally, from a man's perspective. Email: leungjcp@gmail.com
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The 38th Week
For the final week I wanted to post a video. In this video the girls are almost 37 weeks old. Maybe one day we can play this video back to them so they can see what they were like in the belly.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
37th week - Twin girls and the role of the Father
Unbelievably we reached the 37th week. The girls are now 5.5lbs and 5.7lbs. Neilynne want the twins to move out, now! Tomorrow is their due date and I don’t think they like that birth date just like the other ones that past. In any case, our life either begins or ends, depending on the way you look at things. Induction date is booked for next week and I will graduate to become a father.
I can’t help but think, what type of father will I be? Surely not like my Dad, a great dictator in his own right. His way was the only way. Sure, there will be times where I probably will become a dictator and force them to do math, piano and extra homework, (it’s just the Chinese way) but my parenting style will differ than my parents. It has to because times have changed and they didn’t raise two girls.
Being the only male figure in the household, other than our dog Brix, what is the role of the father when raising two girls? I would venture to say it is important to show them how men should behave, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. The way I act with my wife, with other people, with the dog....it will be scrutinized everyday. You think I’m kidding? This is serious stuff. They will carry this on for the rest of their lives. They will formulate an expectation of men and it all starts with Dad. It’s almost like they will date boys similar to their Dad. Ewww sounds insane right? There is some truth to it I think. Ne many times before have said….”well my Dad does this for my Mom, so you should do the same for me…” The father plays an important role in the development of his daughters’ view of men.
If I were having two boys, I would teach them how to be a man and what it means to be a man in this society. I grew up as a man, so I could relate. For girls, it’s different. I have no idea. I didn’t have a sister either. I can only imagine being a girl in this society is tough. Self-image, self-confidence, self-worth are some challenges that come to my mind. Not to mention being aware of the perverse behaviour of some sicko men. Walking alone in the night is a definite no no. All I know is, if I raise two confident girls, who are able to make logical decisions, and have good reason, I’ll be happy.
Let’s come back to reality now. I haven’t reached step 1 and I’m thinking of step 100. It’s typical of Aquarians. Again, here we are at the 37th week with at most one more week. Somebody bring me dorito chips when you come visit us at the hospital. The first taste of chips after 8 months without it is going to be amazing! Don’t get regular chips either. I’ll be mad. 7 days left….see you on the flip side.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The 36th Week
The 36th week and Ne is going strong. I am very impressed with her 'cause for someone carry two....she hasn't complained too much. Her pain tolerance must be high. Men are weak....yeah...I said it....men are weak. When it comes to pain, the worst we might have to go thru is what... a rectal exam....a colonoscopy here and there.....but for women...
"Time to check your cervix.....(4 fingers in.)"
"Time to check the length of your cervix.....(alien probe inserts)
"Time to inject the epidural now in your spine....(all 3 inches of it)
"Time to start the C-section....(incision starts and out pops a baby)
And not the mention the monthly vistor females have as well.
Now before I lose all my male readers, men face a different pain, and it's daily. The pain of hearing how we don't get anything done. How we're always wrong. How our methods and judgements are wrong. Wrong in a way we don't even understand. No wonder we have man caves. We need to take shelter. The mind games, mind reading is just way too painful for us. Just as I am writing this, from across the room I hear...."When are you going to do these dishes? I've done it twice today. You never do them..." Of course none of it is true but it all falls on deaf ears. Moments later, "...when the girls come....you better do as I say and get them done..." You see, men work in simple binary logic. It's either black, or white, not grey. The answer is either yes or no. The solution to a problem will be worked out on his terms only which includes at what time. His solution is the only one, until all else fails, then will he consider alternate solutions from the opposite sex. That's just the way it is, I don't know why, but it is.
So what does this have to do with the 36th week? I seriously forgot. All I know is the days are numbered. In 7 days, we will reach full term. No babies in 7 days, no problem, light that fire and smoke 'em out. Forms for induction also have been sent to the hospital already. Our Leo babies, actually may turn out to be Virgo babies. In any case, it will be a blessing and the ride of our lives. As one friend put it, " it was the worst month of my life....and that was with one....." But it's going to be all worth it I say.
"Time to check your cervix.....(4 fingers in.)"
"Time to check the length of your cervix.....(alien probe inserts)
"Time to inject the epidural now in your spine....(all 3 inches of it)
"Time to start the C-section....(incision starts and out pops a baby)
And not the mention the monthly vistor females have as well.
Now before I lose all my male readers, men face a different pain, and it's daily. The pain of hearing how we don't get anything done. How we're always wrong. How our methods and judgements are wrong. Wrong in a way we don't even understand. No wonder we have man caves. We need to take shelter. The mind games, mind reading is just way too painful for us. Just as I am writing this, from across the room I hear...."When are you going to do these dishes? I've done it twice today. You never do them..." Of course none of it is true but it all falls on deaf ears. Moments later, "...when the girls come....you better do as I say and get them done..." You see, men work in simple binary logic. It's either black, or white, not grey. The answer is either yes or no. The solution to a problem will be worked out on his terms only which includes at what time. His solution is the only one, until all else fails, then will he consider alternate solutions from the opposite sex. That's just the way it is, I don't know why, but it is.
So what does this have to do with the 36th week? I seriously forgot. All I know is the days are numbered. In 7 days, we will reach full term. No babies in 7 days, no problem, light that fire and smoke 'em out. Forms for induction also have been sent to the hospital already. Our Leo babies, actually may turn out to be Virgo babies. In any case, it will be a blessing and the ride of our lives. As one friend put it, " it was the worst month of my life....and that was with one....." But it's going to be all worth it I say.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
THE WAITING GAME – from the mama’s view
So here I am almost @ 36 weeks preggos (2 more days) J. Funny though I thought I would never get here. It was always my goal to get to 36 weeks with my twin girls... but I know other twin moms that made it to 34 or 35 weeks... and on average twins come btw 34 – 35 weeks. So we feel very blessed to have made it to our goal.
Now... the problem is I’m thinking, “Will they ever come?” Last week I saw my OB for a check up but she also did a cervix examination... and let me tell you... not fun @ all. She did warn me that I would feel pressure and it would be uncomfortable... but it friggin hurt! But then again... soon I’ll be feeling the pains of labour... then I really will understand what “hurt” is... lol. Back to my point... my OB said it was a bit soft but she didn’t think I would be having the girls within the next few days.
I also had another apt to see her today (we see my OB every week now) and she wanted to give me an induction date. Now I’m waiting for the hospital to call me and give me my date. My OB said she wouldn’t make me go past 38 weeks preggos... but to tell u the truth... I don’t want to get to 38 weeks. Why you ask? Because I am super uncomfortable now! During our pregnancy, we have been very lucky. I have carried the girls pretty easily and we’ve been very healthy thus so far. I never have been sick or vomited, not even during the first trimester. Food wise... I’ve been able to eat everything... which is pretty sweet on my end! I’ve continued to walk with brix and practice yoga in the mornings but the past month has been harder on me. My carpal tunnel syndrome has been very bad... so bad it’s hard for me to open a bottle and even hold a pen and write a card (which is the reason why I haven’t written the thank you cards for my family and friends who have given us gifts @ our baby showers – but to all of you who have been very generous to us – thank u, thank u, thank u & your cards will arrive once my carpal tunnel has stopped). I’ve been having sciatica pain as well but receiving prenatal massage & doing my yoga stretches have helped immensely. And one major thing I’ve noticed the past 2 weeks is I’m not able to walk as quickly and I’m easily tired quicker... which sucks for me b/c I’m a busy-body and I don’t like sitting still (never did even when I was a kid). With all these complaints... we are still very blessed and I thank our Lord and Saviour for keeping us healthy and happy. J
So... here we remain... waiting. But I guess when we become parents... we end up “waiting” for our children. From waiting for them to come home from their first date to waiting for them after hockey games to waiting for the day they leave the nest. So I guess Jay & I better get use to “waiting”... even more since we’re raising twin girls especially when we’ll be waiting for both of them to come home from their dates. But that’s another blog to write about... and Jay hopes that will be in 30 years... lol! J
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Are you sure 2 girls?
Now that the nursery is almost complete, all their pretty clothes are ready, what if we weren't having 2 girls after all? What if one was a boy? Poor kid, he'd have to wear pink dresses for the first 12 months of his life...sleep in a crib surrounded by pretty flowery crib sheets and play with the butterfly crib mobile What if his weiner was just too small to see in the ultrasound?
Today marks the 35th week of gestation for the twins. We had yet another ultrasound to check on the growth of the babies. We also wanted to confirm the sexes 'cause you just never know. The tech scanned for her usual stuff, checking the length of the limbs, and size of the head. Then proceeds to check out the gender parts.
"Ok, don't tell me the genders because I'm 100% correct," said the tech. So we kept quiet. Seconds later...
"See the hamburger bun with the slit....yeah....baby A is a girl."
"What about baby B?", we asked. Another minute rolls by.
"Hamburger bun with a slit.....see....right there.....she's a girl."
Well, what a relief because I was getting used to the idea of two girls. After the checkup we also got an update on the size of the girls.
Twin A - 5.50 lbs.
Twin B - 5.06 lbs.
Way to go girls, you two grew about half a pound in two weeks! Now it's a waiting game. On to the 36th week.
Today marks the 35th week of gestation for the twins. We had yet another ultrasound to check on the growth of the babies. We also wanted to confirm the sexes 'cause you just never know. The tech scanned for her usual stuff, checking the length of the limbs, and size of the head. Then proceeds to check out the gender parts.
"Ok, don't tell me the genders because I'm 100% correct," said the tech. So we kept quiet. Seconds later...
"See the hamburger bun with the slit....yeah....baby A is a girl."
"What about baby B?", we asked. Another minute rolls by.
"Hamburger bun with a slit.....see....right there.....she's a girl."
Well, what a relief because I was getting used to the idea of two girls. After the checkup we also got an update on the size of the girls.
Twin A - 5.50 lbs.
Twin B - 5.06 lbs.
Way to go girls, you two grew about half a pound in two weeks! Now it's a waiting game. On to the 36th week.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The 35th Week
The babies can come at anytime now. We are getting close. Within the next 2 weeks, these girls will "pop" out or else doc will light a fire and smoke 'em out. The next U/S falls on the twins 35th week. We are hoping they have reached 5 lbs.
This long weekend we found ourselves getting the house in order, cleaning up our junk and making space for baby stuff. Check out the mess below.
Against a pregnant woman, I wasn't going to win any battles. I soon found myself at Sherman Williams paint store.
"I want Dancing Green!" Neilynne said as she held the colour sheet in her hand. I gasped.
"Serious? Doesn't that remind you of mucus and puke. Can't we go lighter?"
"I want colour in this room and it isn't even dark. Live a little will you?"
I lived to see how my old business room transformed into a green monster. With the help of Ron, I braved the dangerous and lived on the edge. We painted the room "Dancing Green!"
After painting the room, it looked real green. It was just green walls and nothing else. Neilynne came upstairs to check out the room.
"Babe, do you think we went too dark?"
"Somehow...I told you... just wouldn't be appropriate at this time."
But to be honest, the green wasn't bad. When it is contrasted with the white, I thought it looked all right. So we waited a day or two for the paint to dry before we began the room transformation. The first thing to go into this new room was crib #1.
The first crib took an immense amount of space. I had doubts the second crib wouldn't fit and there was not enough space to move around. "I want a dresser for their clothes....." Geez, how are we going to fit a dresser in there? Eventually, we found a small dresser and it found a way into the room.
With a few more additions, the room honestly started to look more appealing. We next added purple curtains. That should ought to keep the sun out.
Finally, the second crib was assembled and placed into the same room. The crib was not allowed to be placed near the window and so we had one option left.
The last item to get installed were the bookshelves. The books that were gifts from our baby shower can now rest on them. Here is pretty much the final product minus a few more of Ne's details.
So honestly, it doesn't look too bad. It is better than four walls of pink I say. What do you guys think?
This long weekend we found ourselves getting the house in order, cleaning up our junk and making space for baby stuff. Check out the mess below.
Room full of junk. |
We have also been working hard in getting the nursery room ready. When I was a baby, we never had anything fancy so when my wife said, "I want to paint their room.....I want pottery barn crib sets....I want nice bookshelves for them...." I said, "...and I want to be rich..." C'mon....it's so unnecessary. I don't want to paint. That means I have to move all the furniture from their room to the next. What's wrong with egg shell white?
"What's wrong with eggshell white?" |
"I want Dancing Green!" Neilynne said as she held the colour sheet in her hand. I gasped.
"Serious? Doesn't that remind you of mucus and puke. Can't we go lighter?"
"I want colour in this room and it isn't even dark. Live a little will you?"
I lived to see how my old business room transformed into a green monster. With the help of Ron, I braved the dangerous and lived on the edge. We painted the room "Dancing Green!"
The Green Monster |
"Babe, do you think we went too dark?"
"Somehow...I told you... just wouldn't be appropriate at this time."
But to be honest, the green wasn't bad. When it is contrasted with the white, I thought it looked all right. So we waited a day or two for the paint to dry before we began the room transformation. The first thing to go into this new room was crib #1.
Neilynne preparing the crib sheet and bumper on crib #1 |
The first crib took an immense amount of space. I had doubts the second crib wouldn't fit and there was not enough space to move around. "I want a dresser for their clothes....." Geez, how are we going to fit a dresser in there? Eventually, we found a small dresser and it found a way into the room.
Dresser finds a way into the room |
Starting to look like a nursery |
Ne is proud of her curtains. Dino the dinosaur approves. |
Second crib on the far right wall. |
More Pottery Barn crib stuff |
"Make them bows pretty or else....." |
The last item to get installed were the bookshelves. The books that were gifts from our baby shower can now rest on them. Here is pretty much the final product minus a few more of Ne's details.
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Room looks better than ours |
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Save it for a rainy day |
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Thanks for the books |
So honestly, it doesn't look too bad. It is better than four walls of pink I say. What do you guys think?
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