Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What Not to Name Your Twins

By now, most of you folks already know my household will soon be dominated by women which makes me still....the MAN of the house!  Oh who am I kidding anyway?

The next stage is ....What NOT to Name Your Twins!  With twin girls, there goes my hopes of naming our kids Luke and Leia unless one twin wants to live with a male name.  Imagine that... a girl named Luke.  That would really suck for her future husband/ boyfriend.

"Hey man, what's your girlfriend's name again?"
" Luke..."
"I didn't know you were gay.  When did you come out?"
"No...I'm not gay, her parents named her Luke.  Stupid parents!"    

Then again, what guy would go for a girl named Luke?  It's just too weird for me, girls with boys names or boys with girl names.  Girls named, Adrian, James, Keith, Roy.  It doesn't sound right, probably because I've never seen it used for girls.  But that's the trend I hear.  Unisex names on the other hand I can get used to and are also getting more popular than ever.  Names like, Taylor, Jamie, Casey, Jordan are familiar to me.

There's so much in a name that it takes time to discover but it doesn't take any time to deem these twin names as fails.  Check these out:

Jesus and Judas - are you serious?
Bob and Not Bob - that's dumb
Eeebie and Jeebie - gives me the heebie jeebies
Nova and Kane - Novacaine?
Jillian and Lilian
Luke and Leia (my wife wrote this one)
Tomax and Xamot - Crimson twins from GI Joe
Orangejello and Yellowjello - ultimate name fail

I'm sure we can do better than that list. 

The name searching so far doesn't seem to be getting anywhere. I never knew picking 2 names could be this difficult but I'm sure when we come across the right name, it will hit us like a ton of bricks.  For now, we're leaning towards names like Svetlana, Zawadi or Sudarshini...naw just kidding...but can you imagine chinese filipino twins with those names?

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