Monday, May 16, 2011

Finding out the sex of the twins.

Ultrasound has come a long way as a tool in medical imaging.  In my parent's generation, they  didn't have such imaging capabilities.  They had no clue if they were having a boy or girl.  Thank goodness I was a boy because if I were a girl, my mom would have given me the name Cindy!  Nothing wrong with the name Cindy, but it just reminds me of Cindy Lauper and ".....girls just want to have fun....ohhhhh....girls just want to have fun!"

So when our 20 week ultrasound day came, we were excited to find out the sex of the twins.  If the twins  were a girl and boy....oh man....I would name them Luke and Leah.  That would be sweet!  They would bring balance to the Force.

"Do you want to know the sex of the twins today?" Asked the ultrasound tech as my wife and I settled into the dimly lit, imaging room. 
"Yes, we can only take so much green and yellow colours." My wife replied.
"Hopefully they are willing to cooperate today." And with that, she began examining.

After about an hour of probing, checking, measuring, and scratching of the heads....

"They're not cooperating.....I'm leaning towards girl for one of the them....the other had their legs crossed."  So we left not knowing for sure but we were fine with that because that wasn't the most important to us.

Naturally, many of us want to know the sex of the baby.  It's understandable, you want to know what to buy the kid.  In the grand scheme of things, jokes aside, it doesn't matter what the sex is for us. Boy boy, girl girl, boy doesn't matter.  What we really want, God willing, is to have two healthy babies.  I'd be a liar if I told you I never thought about down syndrome. The scary part is, between 20%-30% of babies with Downs showed no signs during the ultrasound checks.  Great as ultrasound screening is, it's not a 100% screen.  So keeping that mind, my wife and I stay humble.  We try not to get over excited.   

So this is the part where I talk about faith.  Since my wife and I are Christians, it really is up to the hands of God.  We absolutely have no control over this, and when you have no control over something that is so life changing, it's scary.  Faith is believing in future outcomes not resting on logical proof or material evidence.  Thanks Wikipedia.  I guess this is what it means to be a parent. I'm sure many expecting parents also go thru such similar worries.  So we pray, that God grants us two healthy babies, and even if that's not the path chosen for us, we will find a way to manage.

So in conclusion, be it BB, GG, BG, healthy or special, we will fall in love with them when they arrive...mind you I will probably faint first. We just pray for strength and knowledge because really, that's all we can really ask for.  Tune in for my next post....

BTW .....its GG if you really wanted to know ...confirmed at the 23 week U/S

 Twin A
 Twin B

 And in true fashion, my wife goes out and buys a pair of Jordans for one of the kids.  Still trying to find another for the second.  Those ugly runners beside the Jordans are mine by the way.  They cost the same amount as the Jordans.  Go figure.

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