Saturday, April 23, 2011

I Accept Your Challenge

The days are going by fast as we near the end of April.  Soon we will know the sex of the twins, prenatal classes start in May, soon after that, the baby showers and then we start running on fumes. 

Yesterday, while waiting at dim sum,  we saw two good friend of ours.  They happen to be  proud parents of twins.  If someone would have good advice, these guys would be the ones. They spotted us first and we began to talk:

"Hey, congrats, I heard the news you are expecting twins."
"Yeah, we were were surprised."  my wife replied.   
"We have so much stuff we can give you.  Our twins are 4 now."

I wanted to ask how they made it thru the first couple years and hopefully get some words of wisdom from my friend but before I had a chance, he left me with these encouraging words before heading for lunch.

"Oh by the way Jay, you are in for the ride of your life!  Good luck buddy."

That was it?  From one twin parent to an expecting twin're screwed up the bum....that's the reticulating theme.  It can't be that bad can it?  C'mon, I got thru engineering, I can get thru anything!   Crap, who am I kidding?  Engineering was 4 years this is for life.  I don't know a thing but it's because I don't know anything....I accept your challenge.  That right... LIFE.. I accept your challenge and I will succeed.  I will excel at this God help me. 

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