Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Parcon Dealership

When my wife and I started dating....way back when....I remember meeting her family for the first time.  No one forgets the initial family meet and greet.  I certainly did not forget.  My wife's older brother used intimidation tactics by standing at the top of the stairs, and like cyclopes, burned a hole in me by staring directly at me...not letting me out of his sight.  As if he knew telepathy, I could hear him in my mind, "You better not lay one finger on my sister...or else...."  Or else he'd probably split my in half because I was warned he knew TKD.  Her father, on the other hand, didn't want to be bothered as he was watching movies on the TV but offered me some snacks.

Well much time has passed and over the years, I remember the Parcon family having many....many cars.  I lost count and forgot all the models that drove in and out of the driveway.  Even to this day, they have many, many cars.   I think each man in the house owns at least 3 cars but that's a good thing because maybe...just maybe.... they will be willing to donate one to their son in law?

A car to a man, is precious.  We have relationships with our cars like we have with our girlfriends, or wives.  Just like girls love shopping, guys like their cars so when I suggested to my wife... 
 "Do you think your Dad would give up a car for his son in law and daughter, who are having twins?"
"I'll have to talk to him.  You know he loves his cars."
"I know but hopefully he'll feel sorry for us 'cause we have to haul twins and a dog in a Corolla."
"Out of the 3 cars, which one do you think he'll give us?"
"Maybe the 97 Rav 4....for sure not the 99 4 Runner....and he just got the 98 Pathfinder...."   
"I'll talk to him."

3 big cars.  My father in law surely doesn't want to keep 3 cars does he?  The gas alone would kill him and he mostly drives alone.  Keeping my fingers crossed, my wife tells her father as he drives us to breakfast.   

"Daddy, I'm pregnant." 
"Oh, that's good.  You guys are old enough now's the right time," He responds.
"And Daddy, there something else...."
"What?  What something else...."
"We're having we need a car from you."
"Two?  No....oh my God.  Does Mom know?"

Over breakfast, Mr. Parcon graciously gives up, from his "dealership", the 1998 Chilkoot Pathfinder.  We thanked him immensely.  Actually we should also thank my wife's Uncle who was the original owner.  At least now we will have space to haul the family around because I just couldn't see it happening in a Corolla....I can hear the Corolla now

"You're giving me up for a Nissan?  How dare you.  I gave you 10K, problem free  kms this year and this is how you treat me?"
"Sorry Corolla, I just wanted a car with my junk in her trunk.  Know what I'm saying?"


  1. Not only is trunk space vital. You'll feel back pain putting infant car seats into the back passenger area if you don't have an SUV.

  2. I can imagine! And it must be worse for my wife.
