Thursday, April 19, 2012

Life: The thing we take for granted

Do you remember the first time you rolled over, the first time you pulled yourself up to a stand and the first time you took your first steps?  I bet all of us can’t remember.  It’s as if it just happened on its own.

Face Plant
There’s something amazing about seeing a child develop because you forget about the simple stuff; the stuff you take for granted in everyday life.  For example, you forget you can walk.  It kills me when I’m at the mall, with my kids in their stroller, waiting for the elevator when finally the door opens and 7 able-bodied, “young” people walk out.  I don’t see your legs broke.  I don’t see you with a stroller, a cane, a respirator tank.  C’mon, you guys couldn’t take the extra steps to the escalator which is next to the elevator?  

I work out
The best one is at the movie theatre.  I go to the theatre and what’s the average age demographic there?  Guess?  Most likely 20 year olds?  You think of healthy strong people right.   I guarantee they look at those flight of steps and say, “oh hell no, I didn’t pay to walk up steps.”  Up they ride the escalator.  C’mon, I make it a habit to walk up those stairs and I get looked at.  “Look at this idiot, he’s taking the stairs when he could have used the escalator.”  

Almost there

Ok maybe I’m way out there in my thinking right now but when you say kids have an obesity problem, I wonder why.  Set the right example right?

So going back to my topic of life, I am seeing just how amazing it is.  Quynn is crawling at a rapid pace.  If she sees something she wants, she will get there no matter what.  She’s starting to do yoga too.  I caught her doing downward dog.
Baby downward dog

I wonder how she learned how to do all this?  It’s not like I actually taught her.  Is it just hardwired into our brain?  How does she know how to crawl?

Jayde on the other hand needs a little more work.  She can lie on her tummy for a long time, I give her that. She can even do a 360, pivoting on her tummy but she doesn’t move that well yet.  When she sees something she wants, she’ll scream at it. 

Both girls are also starting to talk, “ba ba ba ....dah dah dah...”  It’s amazing to see the beginning stages because you just forget how it all started.  That all has happened in less than 8 months.  Incredible.

The cycle of life is humbling.  You are born unable to walk, talk, or save memories, and when you die, you also might be unable to walk, talk, or remember the memories that you created.  So while we are able to do all these things, while we are still capable, let’s make the most out of life.  Use those stairs instead of the escalator, you have legs that work because one day you might be the one saying, “I wish I could walk up those stairs again.”     





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